Tuesday, February 2, 2010

"When we shrik from the world, our souls shrink too," writes Loeb. With this concept he contrasts the idea of our souls shrinking if we do not allow it to cout for something...anything. When we look at this quote by Loeb, "We become human only in the company of other human beings," it complements well with this idea of our souls shrinking. We are human beings, who require much attention and when not given, we often find ourselves lost or unfound. We cannot accomplish anything alone, we need others to help us fail and learn the steps towards a well harmonized life. I agree with his quote because it defines our lives' and the lives' of others, who have not yet found themselves and struggle to discover the true meaning of life and the steps that one must take in order to achieve liberation through commitment. It requires a huge amount of commitment and a sense of liberation that can only be gained by the love and support of others. It only requires one person that can talk and listen to you to be able to gain release of our own existence that opens up the doors of the whole world.

There are countless time where we have remained silent at a certain point in our lives, either because of the consequences that will bring us if we were to speak up, or simply scared to be looked at differently because of the way we think and perceive certain issues. Personally, it has occurred to me several times, and even now that I think back and try to understand the reason of why I remained silent, I don't seem to find a legit reason. It may be the case that I probably never will, my only option and of many others is to attempt to speak up and share our thoughts regardless of anything or anyone. It may not always be wise to speak up, or many will think so, due to the place or people surrounding you, however if you consistently bury your emotions and feelings you start shriking from the world, like the analogy of Loeb, which brings us back to one final question: Is this the way you want to continue on with living?


  1. I most certainly agree with your points and i would have made most of the same points. I like to take advantage of every opportunity and be as vocal a person as I can be to live to my fullest extent. You never know that when you hold back whose life you could be saving or making more worth while. At the same time you may get just as much in return for the services that you provided. Also I love the picture its pretty intense.

  2. Great post Alicia. SLICE is all about that same question, "Is this the way you want to continue on with living?"
    Opening your eyes for the first time is scary, but it is also exhilarating. I find such passions in my work now that doors have opened because I interact with others, that no matter the amount of work, I always find joy in trying to complete it. The end result is nice, but those steps along the way help craft you into a better person, a more well rounded person. I like to think of myself as a "Jack-of-all-trades, but master of none," yet I know that I mastering myself is really the only thing I can control.
    I agree with Robby, the picture is pretty gnarly. Good desktop image.
