Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Breathing Easy

Mayday, Mayday. The 747 passenger plane that you are on is losing altitude quickly. The shaky voice of the stewardess sounds on the intercom. She says, "oxygen masks will be deployed above you. Please secure yourself before helping others around you."

Whoa! Let us take a step back here. Has our society really become so individualized? Are we really wired to help ourselves before others? Sadly the answer seems to be yes. Unfortunately, this general mentality is a major roadblock for service. Loeb says that, "Our most fundamental responsibility as citizens, is to love not only our own children, but other people's as well-including children we will never meet, who grow up in situations we'd prefer to ignore." This ideal is quite contrary to the public mindset. If I were to propose this lifestyle to my peers, the reaction would be interesting. Many of my fellow students or humans would not agree or want to participate. They would think that they had to go and "get their own" before helping others. I don't exactly blame them. The oh-so individualized society has helped mold them into their mindset. We don't listen to WEPods or spend time on OURSpace. Rather we have set up bubbles of singularity, where we only extend a helping hand as far as we can reach without leaving the couch. The idea that Loeb proposes would be disregarded as something that "isn't my job" by many around me.

Its this sad mentality that has pervaded our society's moral structure. Loeb is exactly right in his quote about our need to serve others before ourselves. A similar lesson is found in form of a parable in the bible. Many rich men went to the temple to make offerings, but a poor widow and gave two coins, essentially all she literally has to offer. A teacher asked "who really gave more?"Although both parties gave, one gave without bars or holds. I think that we as a society have forgotten how to do what this poor widow has done. We have forgotten how to put others before ourselves. If we(starting with me) can do this, then serving, making a difference, and living in harmony will be so much easier and meaningful.


  1. I like how you initiated your blog, great example.
    It is so sad but its true. We look out for ourselves first, we decided to volunteer when we have enough time, when we get a break. We are very selfish.

    we have to get away from this mentality

  2. I love your opening line because every time I am in a plane this always upsets me and yet, we need to save ourselves in a sense that we need to correct our actions before those of others. People sometimes need to find themselves and their passion before going out and helping others find themselves. I know its sad that we are an individualistic world but starting with ourselves, let us take the first step and set the bar up high. Lets bring about this change that everyone is so hyped up about.
