Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Losing Balance

I've always tried to think of life as a pie chart. A percentage of you goes to school, work, etc. All of my pie chart space is full, but I'm forgetting to include one thing--community. In the Bible Jesus said to spread His words and share His love with the world. He wanted us to show compassion to the hurting and feed the hunger, give strength to the weary, and hope for the downhearted. Help your brother; love your enemy. All simple tasks, but for some reason receive little attention from most of us. My pie chart and maybe yours to should be re-evaluated. If even 1% is all that you or I can fit in, then at least we changed 1% of the lives around us.

I love to write songs with my guitar. I only know a few chords, but each time I play them I come up with something different. Music is a very relatable thing and it speaks to so many people. I recently wrote a song called The Journey. It's basically about a girl trying to figure out why she was put on this Earth and if it is possible for her to make a difference.
"She's going to make it, she's takin that step, she's may take awhile, but she's prepared cuz God's providin.."
That could give hope to a lot of people, and I think that my lyrics could touch hearts and hopefully inspire someone to make a move.

The silver -lining on a cloud is misleading. I was always told that. I felt like I put a silver-lining around my dreams and because of that, they had no chance of becoming reality. As I grew up, I realized I was wrong. I am the only one that can change my life for the better and nothing is too far out of reach. Engaging in something that you are passionate about is always scary. Someone may sabotage you or obstacle after obstacle may get in your way. If we never get past fear and stay in our comfort-zone, then we end up nowhere. Nothing changes, nothing happens. I thought cynically about me being able to make a difference. I am only one small voice, no one would listen to me. What we all need to grasp is that it starts with one small voice, then one small step and eventually our voice becomes voices, and our steps become leaps. We become part of a bigger picture, and our mental balance is satisfied. That silver-lining is not a hoax. It is a reminder that we can achieve anything with enough heart, passion, and conviction.


  1. I like how you compared your life to a pie chart. I have never thought about it that way. Nevertheless, there is always more we can give to our community than we are presentally giving. You have a great attitude, there is nothing we can't do.

  2. Hi Joanna,
    I agree with Christian. I can definately appreciate the pie chart metaphor. It's a creative visual for the hectic lives we all tend to lead. Even with SLICE, I felt like I had added another huge entree to my plate that was obviously already full. However, I manage to keep up with my hectic life with a sense of pride and fullfillment knowing that I have made time in my life for others. Making time is the key to making a difference.

  3. Joanna,

    You have a great voice (not just musically, which I am sure you do) but as an author and an activist.

    Your metaphor, as already previously stated, is a profound one! I never would have looked at it this way. It really shows that though this chart is often shifting, there are some things that should always be included. Community is one of them. Love your neighbor AND your enemy, not just yourself.

    I hope that on this trip you will share some of your songs with us because just from the lyrics you shared with us, I can tell they will change someone's life.Even if you are just one voice, eventually someone will sing along with you and those voices will change multiple lives.
