This is a very powerful quote, it shows that we can make a differnce and what ever action was taken in the past has made a diffence. The people who stood up to question the rules set by others were killed, and murdered and brutally abused but they never wavered from their path for justice.
Many of thses great individuals fights and efforts bore fruit in my life and the lives of people i love and care about.
1. NATIONAL FREEDOM- Mahatma Gandhi- To the world he is a great man , he did something brave and courageous and he fought in a very unusual way. People like Martin Luther king looked up to him, led a life that was formed by his ideals and morals. To me, he is the father of my country, he freed my people from slavery and oppression. He fought against powerful forces with very little resources and a whole lot of hope. With his passion and compassion for his people, for my people he gave us a chance to break free. I honor him and respect him and know that with out his courage the future of my country might have been different.
2. WOMENS RIGHT TO AN EDUCATION- Women constitute almost half of the population in the world.However women in the world had to right for their basic right to education. In India the women had no right to education what so ever. But during the British period there was revival of interest in women's education in India. During this period, various socio religious movements led by eminent persons like Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar emphasized on women's education in India. Women's education in India plays a very important role in the overall development of the country. It not only helps in the development of half of the human resources, but in improving the quality of life at home and outside. With a good education the woman can help assist her kids and help them get a better future. If it wasnt for these great people i wouldnt have the rigth to a good education.
3.INTERRACIAL MARRAIGE- It is hard to imagine that in the united states and even in many other countries it was forbidden to racialy inter marry. I dont understand how one can really have control over who they fall in love with. If it wasnt for the sacrifises and sorrows of soo many people it still would not have changed. Even in my family, my dad and mom expect me to marry someone who is also indian and to keep the blood line within the country. Thanks to all thoses who fought for the freedom to marry who ever one wanted, i too have the choice and the freedom. Under our Constitution, the freedom to marry a person of another race resides with the individual and cannot be infringed by the State. My boyfriend is white, mexican, and greek. If it wasnt for these great people i would have a chance to fall in love
4. WOMENS RIGHT TO VOTE - Thanks to all the women who stood up for their rights, basic rights to vote, to education, to be free , to get a say in what goes on in the world around them, i too get the chance to voice my opinion.
5. RELIGIOUS FREEDOM- Because of great men and women who fought for their right to worship and believe in what ever they wanted many went through oppression and suffering and many still does. But the fact that they stood up against something that is immoral and wrong also gave me a chance to have a choice in what i believe in and what i oppose and stand against.
Loeb says that the risks and commitments we undertake today may leave a better world for those yet to come. We can view our lives as a bridge between past and future.
I like the closing remark and quote from Loeb. I believe that to set a foot print, you must take a step, for someone to emulate and remeber you must strick a positive change for those yet to come to remeber and emulate you, just as we celebrate those heros who made us who give us the cause to be free.
ReplyDeleteI like all of the examples that you gave. It is so true that people sometimes take those chances to stand up for what they believe in, even if they know they won't see the final result. In the end though things always have an effect and can be seen in the future like a lot of the examples you gave showed.