Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Children Are The Future

"Our most fundamental responsibility as citizens is to love not only our own children, but other people's as well--including children we will never meet, who grow up in situations we'd prefer to ignore."
When I asked my family for their opinion on this quote, I got pretty much the same reaction from everyone. My sister said that she thinks that we should all treat other people's children the same as we treat our own because you never know how you may impact a child's life. A similar response from my brother was that every child in need deserves to have someone lend them a hand in some way. This did not really surprise me because both of them are very caring individuals. I am so proud of my little brother for getting involved with all the community service work that he does. At 15 years old, he has collected money and hundreds of donations for a medical clinic that serves homeless families, helped build a house, and volunteered at a soup kitchen. I hope that my little brother can continue to do community service so that he can inspire those around him to want to help out too. I think that it is great that children are getting involved with community service at younger ages. It gives them a chance to become passionate about helping others and understand the meaning of "loving thy neighbor". Children are going to be the ones determining the future and if we do not teach them well, we may all end up in a world more broken than it is today.
My hope for society today is that everyone may take this quote into account in their day-to-day lives. Sweeping problems under the rug because they seem too big for one person to handle or because it is not affecting you personally is not the way to handle things. Nothing gets better that way. Nothing changes.


  1. I liked the last few sentences because it summed up what we should do and why we should care about others. If we sweep he problems under the rug its only a matter of time before there is a lump in the rug and we have to deal with it, so why not deal with it now and help those in need now!

  2. That is great that your little brother is so involved at a young age. You are right when you say these young children are the ones who are going to be our future. We need to all show them compassion, support and love so that they will do the same once they get older. If we don't teach them how NOT to sweep the problems under the rug, what is going to eventually happen to our society?
