Tuesday, February 16, 2010


From chapter six I think that what Loeb meant from "other people's stories can expand our view of the world," is that we must be able to place ourselves into someone else's shoes. The book even states that if we are not homeless than we will not care about it. We know more about the rich than we do about the poor. At first I disagreed with that we can learn from other people's stories and that it can help. However, a part in the book stated that it is a hopeful experience to feel another's suffering. Even more so when the suffering is similar to your own.
Through suffering our vulnerability is placed on display for anyone or anything to take advantage of. Through vulnerability we are able to place ourselves in another's shoes and gain a heightened awareness of the world. Personal experiences do attach a face to the chaos but at the same time we should not have to attach a human meaning as the book says in order to be able to empathize and want to help. Yet, hearing the stories of others does pull an inner drive to want to make a change. The book also said that suffering alone is pointless because it is as if you are having self-pity. Once there is an attachment of multiple people it is easier to take a stand and do what is right in order to be recognized.
The story that I really connected with was the last story of chapter six about David. His struggles through prison and childhood grabbed my attention and I wanted to know exactly what happened with him. He completely changed his life around once he felt vulnerable. We are a vulnerable species however, we would rather not let that we are vulnerable be exposed to others, for fear that we will be taken advantage of. Small ripples and small changes will build into a current as the book states. David rippled by showing people that change was possible and necessary. Although being positive will not make the changes we desire it will help to keep our mindset on the right track. The quote that I felt best fit the statement of vulnerability was the Alcoholics Anonymous quote that states, "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." I think everyone in society should live by this. The book states that we must be 100 percent okay with ourselves before we are able to help others.
An act of kindness that I felt changed the way I viewed the community was an act of kindness that I did. I am a cashier at Albertsons, and the other day at work I smiled without noticing, at this little old lady and told her I could help her in my line. As I smiled again and asked her how she was doing she told me that I had made her day by asking her that question and by simply smiling. She was so happy that I bothered to notice how she felt and to smile at her. She had said my smile had brightened her day. After I finished ringing up she told my manager that I was doing well and that she really liked me. Just by smiling at someone can change the way their day is going. I felt that this act of kindness was very small yet had a huge impact where this lady's day may have been mediocre I helped to make it a better day for her.
A story that would sum up my life would be that of never giving up when someone doubted me. With soccer, my coach had absolutely no faith in me but I strived to do more and more each and every day willing to do whatever it took to be the best. However, she was unwilling to change her mind.At that point I realized one must be compassionate and have felt what another feels to know the pain they are inflicting which is why I believe hearing other's stories may be so helpful. At the same time this story may not be directly connected but in my eyes I view at as we must start with the little things first. There are people who do community service because they have to and then there are those who have placed themselves in another person's position and tried to see what they would do in that spot. We must not let another control our path, in this case that would be our society. A change can only come when we stand together as one because everyone needs to come together for storytelling so that all the small acts of kindness can add up.


  1. I loved your blog, you seemed to connect with a lot of stories. The part that stuck out most to me was being ok with ourselves before we could help others. I cant believe i forgot to put that in my reflection because that was one of the quotes i highlighted as i was reading. Every little bit does help in some way and you must start small before you can do something great! Good reflection i like it.

  2. You give the perfect example with the lady from Albertsons. Something as a simple smile and "Hi how are you?" can effect a person's day in more ways than me know. It is simple acts of kindness like this that everyone needs to partake in. It's the chain reaction. Once one person does something small, someone else will as well.
