"Our most fundamental responsibility as citzens is to love not only our own children, but other's as well-- including children we will never meet, who grow up in situations we'd prefer to ignore."
It took me a while to actually figure out how to answer this question for my self because i was not sure what my real answer would have been. However, i thought about it and i think it is better said then done. People will go on and on saying," i am going to put time in,do community service,etc." but until its done, its all a bunch of talk. I am not talking down to these types of people, because I will admit i am one of them, we all have our own lives, we tend to focus on, and when we "get around to it" we will do what is convienent for us. I did not ask any of my friends what they thought about it or how they would react to something like this because honestly I think I would get the same answer out of them.
There is many things that we as citizens can do around our communities but do not realize how much of an impact it will have on people we do not even know. Helping out a family memeber or a close friend, honestly is an every day thing for most of us, we spare a couple bucks, or drive them home, and to them those are gestures that make a big difference to the reciever, but not the one doing the action. However, helping out children,parents, teens, who are less fortunate to have people around like all the time, see it as a blessing, or a HUGE gesture that leads them on with a positive attitude. We go on day to day, not knowing what is going on around the corner, in a different city, state or even country and we are thankful of the things we recieve to from others. But how does it feel to put the shoe on the other foot? How does it feel to give back to someone who does not neccasarily ask for it, but is thankful for what they recieve? Sometimes we take for granted the situations, and things we have in life and we really should step back and look at the bigger picture, and help other people feel just as comfortable living there day to day life.
Just in SLICE I have met new friends, new teachers, and new amazing people, i would have never met with out this great experince. We see places off the highways, and down the street that look like regular every day places, but when we walk inside there is a whole different story to what is going on and no matter who lives there, or even the story behind it, we should show that no matter who you are, we are all equal, and are not forced to lend a hand, we want to.
ReplyDeleteI had the same doubt asking my friends their opinion about loving not only our children, but others as well. I knew that the answers I would hear would be cliche's such as "I whish I could... but I just don't have time right now...but I will eventually do it". I have also procrastinated on occasion when it comes to this issue. We often get stuck in our own problems and difficulties without understanding "what is going on around the corner". What is important however is that we get on the right track, meeting people with similar ideas, working together for the same valuable causes. That is the reason we are together in SLICE; making good things happen!
ReplyDeleteI agree with you when you mentioned how appreciative the recipients of our donations are to them. When we went to go and help the immigrants fill out the resume, they couldn't stop smiling and having fun! I think you are right on track with teaching the American children! Good job!
ReplyDeleteI respect the subjective stance that you took when you evaluated this question. My favorite part about this blog is when you said, "look at the bigger picture, and help other people feel just as comfortable living their day to day life". That is how every situation we come across should be. We should be able to converse with or work alongside others without feeling awkward or making them feel that way.
It seems that it has become the easier thing for people to just ignore the common needs of the others and tend to their own needs. :(
I am with you on being greatful for this program as well as others like it for what is offering to us.