I think it is difficult for most of us to fully appreciate and understand the great impact past movements for social justice have made in our lives today. For me personally, it is so easy to forget and take for granted all the amazing rights and privileges I have. I never really thought much about how they came about or who bravely fought for their existence (except maybe when I was in history class or watching a documentary on them). That's why programs like S.L.I.C.E. and other service opportunities are so beneficial; they make me more aware and appreciative of all that I have and of the people that had to endure the struggle for them. The people throughout history who have fought for a cause that they were truly committed to, are great role models and send a crucial message that everyone needs to understand when being involved in any movement. This message can basically be summed up by a quote from Loeb, "Fighting for our deepest convictions requires relinquishing control and accepting messy uncertainties. It demands working as well as we can at efforts that feel morally right, and then having faith that our labors will bear fruit, perhaps in our time, or perhaps down the line, for somebody else." We may never see the results of our effort, but we need to keep faith in the possibility that someday what we do will truly make a difference.
Some of the rights I am appreciative of include:
Freedom of Religion and Speech. Many people in the past and even some in other countries now face harsh persecution or even death for not following the religion forced upon them or for speaking their mind. I am so blessed to be living in a country where we have the privilege to choose what we say and what we want to believe in.
I cannot imagine what my life would be like without the woman’s suffrage movement. Being able to vote, work on an equal level as men, and have the opportunity for a college education are all rights that I wouldn't have if it wasn't for those who decided to take a stand and fight.
Thankfully the EPA and environmental laws exist as well. Our planet’s issues are constantly being ignored and put off. For some reason people think these problems will just take care of themselves and disappear. We need movements like this to help educate the public and enforce laws that will help reduce some of the damage we have caused.
ReplyDeleteI love the quote you pulled from the book. I agree that fighting what we believe in comes with a price. It comes with a price of not knowing what comes next and having faith that what we are doing will make a difference. It is important that we continue to remember that we have many blessings and that many people fought hard (whether in battle or protests) to allow us these many freedoms.
I am glad that SLICE is allowing you to discover all that you have and giving you the opportunity to give back as well.