Monday, February 22, 2010

A New Generation of Caring

I believe that rather than strive for our children to be able to do the same work for the same issues that we are curently working on we should hope that we have made progress toward the issues such as homelessness so that our children live in a world were people care enough about community and their fellow man that homelessness is a rare exception rather than the norm it is today. We have become so desensitized to the issues that I think sometimes we forget what the ultimate goal is and we just hope that others will continue our work when we are gone. Going out and giving somsone a meal only helps that one person for that one moment. We need to strive to make change so that eveyone has three meals everyday.

I do not believe unfortunately that we will end such issues in my lifetime. I do hope however that we are working toward raising a generation of children who will be sensitive and caring and will want to help one another. By doing this maybe someday resources will be able to be allocated more fairly so that everyone has something and no one is trying to survive with nothing. Until everyone feels like and acts like a community the likelyhood of this happening is slim. So while we want to inspire our children to go out and get involved and fight for the issues what's even more important is teaching them the connection that all people share and the idea and importance of community. By doing this future generations won't have to think of it as "community service" they will just think of it as how we live.


  1. I completely agree when you say the "future generations won't have to think of [helping] as "community service" they will just think of it as how we live". It is inspiring to think that maybe one day it will be true. I have accquired a like of community service from the feleing I get after I helped just one person. And this took me about 10 years to enjoy taking time out of my busy schedule to put others first.

  2. I also agree with your post. Its very hard to pull back and see the big picture of what we're working towards sometimes, and we just focus on treating the symptoms instead of the overall disease. I'm reminded of the saying "give a man a fish and he eats for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime" Maybe we should start planning to teach more fishing instead to handing out fish :)
