Who are we not to help others, no matter who they or where they come from?

Loeb's quote was an interesting one, and after reading it, I couldn't seem to help but to hang on to every word.
Unfortunately, in today's day and age, I don't think many people feel the same. Repeating Loeb's quote in front of my friends, or a group of peers would prompt a reaction far from what would be [the right thing to do]. I'd probably get a lot of, "that sounds nice," or maybe, "people don't do things for me, so why should I do things for other people?"
We live in a society of selfish people. Unless it's affecting an individual directly, we want nothing to do with other people's problems.
The people of America make up one big team. When one succeeds, we all succeed. And we should be willing to help those that need a hand.
The only way we can advance in society, is to take both personal and community responsibility.
If you were struggling, you'd want help, or you'd want to know that someone cared.
So many people feel that way, yet our society is fixating on bettering themselves, when most of the time, they really aren't in any need of life improvement.
If we all work together and take care of one another, the world will be a better place.
If we can overcome selfishness, as a society, our fundamental responsibility as citizens can be achieved.
I agree with you on when people say the line, "people don't do things for me, so why should I do things for other people?" This kind of goes back to Sheryl's quote in her blog where she brought up the bible verse that says, "do onto others as you would like to be done upon you." We should automatically be helping others out even if we don't get anything in return. It should be from the kindness of our hearts that we help others in need and not doing it to expect something back.