You learn things you never knew about yourself when you are involved in community service (volunteering services). This is because your social involvement brings out the real part of strength and vision in you, as it sparks out the hidden qualities you never thought you had, resurrect your hiding courage to make a change, and reflect your accomplishment as you see the effects (results) of your service to your community. At this juncture, you will see your self from the view point of your community, you will see how much lives you have saved, and you will see how much hope your service had brought to the hopeless youth living on the street. And this is where you make a whish like the Stanford Student "I hope that one day my grandchildren will get to have the same experience working in the same homeless shelter that I did." The student's involvement in the homeless shelter allowed his life to count for something positive, as it reintegrated his mind and body to pass his desire for social change onto his unborn generations. This I think made him believe that he can influence the society as much as the society influenced him, knowing that we are the element of change.
When we join with others with common goals, we open up new possibilities by babe stepping. It's normally hard to take the first step, but when we do we bring our efforts to light by inspiring others that never believed in change. Like the sharecropper Negros that lead out the civil rights movement, they never gave up even when they were faced with discriminations, they held on to their hope and faith passing it onto their next generations. Even when they were dead, their stories still imparted the new generations to carry on from where they stopped. The world today is far better than what it used to be in the 80s, people now share concern and love for people they never knew, not judging them by their color, background or nationality, but having the fundamental believe that we are our brother's keeper, and that we can make the world a better place for all. TAKE A STEP, MAKE A CHANGE, AND LEAVE A FOOTPRINT AND YOUR GRANDCHILDREN WILL STEP AFTER YOU. "We are the world, we are the people, lets make it a better place for you and me" PEACE.
Your comment about how service-learning brings out the hidden qualities is on the dot. People never realize their full potential until they put themselves out there and actually experience something out of the ordinary. With you for example, you are a great communicator and you flawlessly are able to connect with the refugees :).