Wednesday, February 17, 2010

"It takes a thousand voices to tell a single story"

I can very easily feel empathy for others. Often, I find myself moved to tears while hearing an accounting of someone who has gone through a trial or overcome tremendous odds. Stories influence me, my emotions and even to a point my decision. I believe stories have this effect not on me exclusively but most empathetic, caring people. This is one of the reasons stories are so vital to us as people trying to improve our community and society. Stories has a soul, something to relate to; pure data and statistics cannot appeal to our humanity like hearing the story of an 16 year old child worker can. However, this is not the only reason to listen to and tell stories. Listening to others' problems and triumphs knits our community together; it strengthens it and makes us take ownership for each other. When you hear the story of those around you, it makes community involvement much easier; not only does your empathy drive you to help, you can also find those of like concerns and join forces.
I think the most powerful reason we should listen to the stories being told around us, is that we owe at least that much to the unfortunate ones in our society. Very few have "chosen" to be where they are; they are in the situations they are in largely because of the circumstances they were born into. We could have just as easily been born disabled or enslaved or in a financially troubled home- but we were born with freedom, health and wealth. It is our responsibility to hear and help those who are struggling because, really, what separates us from them? Luck. And I know that if I had been born on the other side of the cultural divide, I would have wanted others to listen to me.
I dont have a story for my life as of yet. I have had a very simple, routine life thus far. However, although I do not have a story yet, I can listen to all the stories around me, and do my best to help those who need support.


  1. Aimee I agree on how listening to other peoples stories have an impact on our lives, sometimes they can be positive and sometimes they are negative. Like for example when i told my friends on how volunteering at horses help got me a free ticket do disney land they jumped on the ball, ha ha. Not a good reason to do volunteer work but at least it's an incentive to get them started and change their lives.

  2. Aimee,

    I loved how you said that sharing stories "knits" our community together. I think that is a great metaphor! It is so true because sharing stories not only allows us to get to know our neighbors, but it allows us to share our many experiences with them, maybe making them want to get involved in their community as well.

