I come from a very humble family. My grandparents, lived at a small village named Canchiscocha that is located in a remote area in Peru. This was when terrorism had taken over certain parts of Peru, many years ago. My grandparents, who were farmers, had a fair amount of animals that allowed them to live a modest life. One day, about 12 to 15 men broke into their home wearing all black and carrying arms. They demanded to be fed and for my grandpa to kill their best cattle. My frightened grandpa did what was asked of him. They were captive for 2 days. The reason they had come was because some people had told them that my grandparents opposed terrorists and that they wanted to disperse them all. Although they opposed those groups, due to their old age, they could not do very much. Those men had come with all the intentions of killing them, if they had opposed or said anything. This incident moved feelings deep inside of me and afterwards I could never go back to what I was before. Something that I wished at the moment was to hold my grandparents and tell them it was okay, that I will never allow anyone to hurt them again.
Ever since then, one of my biggest goals in life is to be able to change some one's life. Not only live my life, but help influence another one for good. Without that I don't think my life will count. That is the main reason I joined this service, hoping that throughout this experience I will encounter my goal in life and to be able to achieve something that is important to me. Not many know or even care of all the atrocities that people have to suffer, and knowing what my grandparents had to suffer through is enough for me to want to see a change or help create one.
ReplyDeleteI also chose this prompt because it allowed the students to do exactly what the author is asking, to tell your story.
When I read your blog, I couldn't even imagine what your grandparents felt like, but your story painted that world around me. Growing up in Arizona my entire life, the word terrorist means one specific day of one specific year that caused a tragedy to our nation. Your grandparents, and others have to worry about this in their OWN HOMES. It is so unfortunate that to this day we still have these issues around the world. That is so inspirational to read what you gained from that expierience and took advantage of helping others when you can.
I am glad people share their stories, especially the most terrifying ones. It is through these first hand accounts of tragedy that we who live in a safer environment can learn about the evils in the world. If we don't know, we don't know to get involved. I am glad that through their hardships, you have decided to be a part of the solution! Great blog Alicia!