I believe that the Stanford student hoped that society will continue to encourage community service and that he hopes his grandchildren can be involved in what he was involved in. He was hoping they will be able to see the changes he saw and to experience his experiences through that homeless shelter. However, it would have been better for him to say he hopes his grandchildren will not have to volunteer at that same shelter. We see it as a paradox to overcome homelessness. Because how many of us can honestly picture a world lacking despair and homelessness.
The way I view it the world is either going to go towards most people being homeless or the complete opposite. Ultimately it is the goal of the future's youth who will make these changes. I also think through the story the student was hoping that society would morph towards teaching children and being models for children at younger ages. Developmentally speaking, psychologists have proven that children will model behaviors and a quote in the book states how children aren't good at listening to their parents, but they are good at imitating them.I believe that human awareness would be all it took to have a society without homelessness. We are such a self-centered species so caught up in consumption and "junk values" as the book calls it, that we do not see the world passing by us. It is better to ignore the bad than bring it up and to shelter are children. However, realistically just the opposite would help to transform our society. The younger generations must be taught awareness every in society. We must not assume they are being taught the correct values and ways to help in society by someone else. The repetition will eventually make them aware. We need to also maintain our society and not worry so much about materialism. Those who do make a difference in the world such as teachers should be reevaluated to see if they are fit for the job and once evaluated their pay should be raised. It is not right that we pay those who entertain us millions of dollars and then go and pay the people who pave our futures the bare minimum. In my opinion society as a whole is lucky that there are people who still aspire to work in these types of professions.Due to this, I am not sure that it is possible to have a culture where people do not sleep on the streets by the time I have grandchildren. However, if we come together as a whole I believe it will be accomplished faster than we believe it can. The quote that I took most from these two chapters was that whatever we do the world will bleed in. I took it as meaning that we cannot shelter our children and then hope they will be successful when thrown out into the real world. Children have a higher understanding to empathize which I believe could help society in the long run if we just expose them and teach them what life really is and what they must do to fix it before they become too comfortable like the rest of us have become.
Very good points Christiana. A lot of people will just leave it up to others to teach our children about the homelessness in society and hopefully they will pick up on that and do something about it. Although like you said children really aren't good at listening but they sure can imitate their parents. If our children see that we are trying to make a difference by helping out the homeless, then they are more likely to do the same when they become older rather just telling them to help out and hoping they listen. Leading by example is the best way to influence others to do the same.
ReplyDeleteI love your blog! What I liked the most was what you said about sheltering your childrena and not letting them feel the pain and become passionate about a cause. I feel that there is a lot of truth in that, this is most likely why our society seems to not really ever care enough to out energy into something. I feel that all parents should take a good look at what you just said and reevaluate their parenting. I found this as a very good insight on how I want to influence my children. Thank You.
ReplyDeleteI agree with what you said, its so sad what we do and how we look up to these people, and what we have become.
ReplyDelete"It is not right that we pay those who entertain us millions of dollars and then go and pay the people who pave our futures the bare minimum"
i also think what you said about children, about exposing them to the truth and the world around them so they can be more aware is absolutely true, and benefitial to the future.
I completely agree with the whole idea of letting our children experience what the real world is like. There are so many people out there who take all their blessings for granted and they do not understand just how lucky they are. There is so much more to the world and to society than many people realize. Hopefully we will all be able to contribute to spreading the word about issues out there and we can open others' eyes to the truth.