I have had this conversation with people before, and the answer is just like the book's excuse. I have to deal with my problems first. Sadly the average American is working harder and longer for less. The book also mentioned the soccer moms and the extra school activities. Parents hope their kids lives are better than their own. If they have to sacrifice their own personal time to focus on their kids future it is worth it. I know we most help our community, but I understand why people don't volunteer they simply don't have the time. As long as the working class is getting pushed down by the mega wealthy this will be the case. When the CEO makes 460 times what the average worker makes we will have to work harder.
Which bring me to this point we need to stop the infighting between the poor and if your not a millionaire your poor. People maybe comfortable, but if they lost their job tomorrow the money would dry up fast. We need to raise the tide to raise the other boats. We need to stop yelling about stupid stuff and look up at the ivory towers.
So maybe it is our problem, we need to help out our fellow man to gain the power back. We need to help others so they can gain their own voice. We need to organize as Americans and start getting our heads back above water. Social Society and Medicare is not going to bankrupt this country the fact that Warren Buffet pays less percentage of his wealth in taxes than his secretary will. The fact that the rich can't get enough money. the top ten percent of American have 95 percent of the wealth. The top one percent of one percent has 25 percent of the money. That is what is going to kill our country from the inside out. No one has worked that hard in their life to deserve that much money. We have to stop making excuses and focus on what is right people deserve to be treated humanely. A Dad should not have to work his third doble in a wee and miss his kids baseball game. If our kids are going to succeed we need others to succeed as well. It is not always dog eat dog. Sometimes it is your problem too.
The statistics you brang up is the exact problem that needs to be fixed. The ridiculous amount of money the person on top makes should be evaluated and should have to pay extra for taxes. I think it will be really hard to change America so there are no people on the streets, but the community has to decide to fix the problem. I feel there has been an ongoing battle with these problems because of the selfishness our society is known for.
ReplyDeleteIt's important to live for yourself, but living for others makes me feel alive. My mom has put her entire life on hold while raising my sisters and I will make sure that her sacrafice will be worth it.
-Lucy McClearn
Christian, well said. One of the greatest problems with America is the extremely wealthy people. Although, by law, they are not required to pay any more than is stated on their tax forms, I am sure donating and sponsoring wouldn't put a dent in their wallets.
ReplyDeleteA birth needs to occur in our nation, a new societal norm, where caring for your fellow man, being responsible for each other, will be as casual and accepted as a handshake. It needs to be a personal virtue, to be done because you want to do it, not because a government agency tells you to.
I like what you got out of the reading, Christian. Well said!