I was expecting a negative point from Mom when I told her about Loeb’s quote, “Our fundamental responsibility as citizens is to love not only our children, but other people’s as well-including children we will never meet, who grow up in situation we’d prefer to ignore,” but she gave me a positive respond. She told me that she cares about other people’s children but I didn’t believe her until she reminded me that she has taken action before. She reminded me of the poor family that the children’s mother had died of cancer and the father could barely able to feed his three children. When Mom heard about them, she couldn’t sleep. She told me that she felt what if that was us! So, she decided to do what she can to help them and that was by collecting a donation. I don’t know why sometimes we do help and take action, but we don’t count them, or I feel that’s not enough. But, I realized that no matter how big our action is, we still would see appreciation in these children’s or people’s eyes. And that what gives involvement a true meaning.
I liked what Marian Edelman wrote to her son about her responsibility towards her child and other people’s children whom share same school and street. She also brought up a very important point that it’s not the children fault if they grow up in a poor society or born with different color. So, instead of reminding those people that they are different by trying to have a separate life from them as if they don’t exist, we should open our heart for them because they need us the most. They need someone to show them love, and that simply could begin by becoming friends with them and showing them respect.
Even the Bible indicates that Jesus wanted us to love each other: “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another” (John 16.34). This show the importance of thinking of someone else needs rather than just ours. It’s hard to make people in the whole world to follow and understand that it’s our duty to love and help who in need of us. But, since we know that, we are going to be role models to the world.
You have to be right to prove someone wrong, that includes loving not only those that loves you back, but loving everyone alike. I do agree with you, to be a role model, we have to leave a footprint for others to emulate and follow. When we believe that love could break all huddles and obstacles, then we will be ready to change and shape the world. Yes we can be role models by imparting lives in every positive ways that we can. Peace.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you and with Macbeth. It is our duty to love everyone on this planet and by doing so we can bring that passion and care to the world one person at a time. I believe that you are a great role model, Rana, and by doing all you do, you set a great example for those in your life.