One of the greatest acts that affects my life is the Immigration and Naturalization Act, this act will allow me to become a citizen of the United States someday. My name is Zitlaly (it means star in Aztec) and I am from Acapulco, Mexico. My parents illegally immigrated into the United States in 1989; when I was about a year old. After a couple of years my parents followed the right requirements and my mother became permanent resident, which allowed myself to become one. If it weren’t for this act I would not be able to live, work or even go to school in Arizona, this means I wouldn’t have met any of you L and that’s just terrible. I have not applied for my citizenship yet because I have had other priorites I have had to deal with, like school and paying for college, but I plan to start my application this coming August, so keep your fingers crossed! I will be able to vote as soon as I get my citizenship and I am thrilled about this.
So even though I will become a citizen shortly and get to vote, I wouldn’t be able to vote if it wasn’t for women’s suffrage. I am very thankful to be a woman because I get to wear high heels and make-up! Actually that’s not the reason at all, I am thankful to be a woman because it means I get to bear a child one day and make a difference in the world by doing so. Thanks to the Women’s Right Movement I am able to get an education, have a job and not be discriminated because of my gender.
Lets go back to child bearing and Roe vs Wade, I know this is a very controversial topic but it’s also an important one. I’m thankful that I have the right to choose how many children I would like to have. I think that this avoids unwanted babies that end up in foster homes or at adoption centers.
The Discrimination Act has helped a lot of people I know, for example my roommate is an African-American homosexual and if this act hadn’t of passed he probably would not have a job. I am thankful that we have moved passed our ignorant views and allowed people with different orientations to have a normal life. I hope that one day proposition 8 will take action, I know that this would make my best friend/roommate very happy and with his happiness comes mineJ
So I'm sending a huge shout out to all those activists that made this acts possible because without you my world would be complete chaos.
Well I think you are an excellent example of the positive impact of the Immigration and Naturalization Act. When someone who isn't even technically a citizen (yet!) of the states will go out and get involved in trying to better this country it speaks volumes to those who sit back and reap the rewards of being a citizen and can't be bothered to get off the couch and do something. I for one feel that all of our lives are enriched by knowing amazing hard-working people like you!! I will for sure be pulling for your citizenship you deserve it more than some who are born with it.
ReplyDeleteI am thankful for this act too because I would be really sad if I never met you! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you could share with us a different perspective on valuing citizenship. Many of us take our rights for granted, especially, if we have had them all our lives, so hearing stories like yours helps us to recognize how important it is to take full advantage of these rights we have to inflict change. We should be utilizing these rights by voting, speaking out for what we believe in, and educating ourselves so that we aren't just letting these privileges go to waste!
You go Girl! I loved the peace sign! It is inspiring to see you become involved even though you aren't a citizen but I cannot wait until you can vote. You stand up for what you believe in.
ReplyDeleteI have to 100% agree with Jenny! I completely adore the fact that even though you are not a citizen (yet) you are making a difference in your community that you weren't even born into. That tells a lot about you. It shows your passion and love for others. I can certainly say that by you sharing your story, each one of us born with these rights should no longer take them for granted becuase amazing people like you still have to fight for them today!