It is very important to realize the benifits of listening to others. There is so much we can learn just by paying attention to others. When the author states "other people's stories can expand our view of the world" they are trying to enrich our lives. Other peoples life stories can give us perspective on our own lives. Even the stories about social injustice are important to hear inorder to appreciate all that we have. No story is unimportant, values can be pulled from many of the things we hear. It is a great way to teach us different lessons.
Stories also shap our current lives. Our day to day expirences make us who we are. In my life there are many people and expirences that have shapped my life. Without them, my life would not be what it is today. I have so many people to thank for how my life has changed. One story that would sum up my view of community involvement would have to be the day when I first volunteered at a local food bank. At first, the only reason I was at the food bank was to get an A in a government class. Little did I know that by the end of day I would find myself completely behind the cause. Every hour that passed I found myself becoming more and more inspired. The amout of people I was helping was unbelievable. Being able to touch so many lives was inspiring. It was after my day of volunteering there that I decided to continue supporting this local food bank. The next Sunday, I took my experiences and told my youth group about it. Not long after, I returned with some of my church friends and continued to help others. That expirence continues to be one that keeps me on the right path and focus on what is important.
In the disscustion topics for this weeks reading it posed an interesting question, "how would you write your political autobiography?" I would honestly say I would not really know where to start. So far my life has been filled with a little bit of community service and involvment here and there. My life is still in the process of choosing a path to follow. All I can say is that I hope this expirence with SLICE can add an interesting chapter in my hope to help others.
I definitely agree with you on how everyone's story is important in some way, shape or form. Too many of us when listening to people's life stories or an experience they had, we just let it go in one ear and out the other. Although by doing this we miss sometimes very important facts or advice. If we just take the time to listen and absorbed what people have to say, then we could end up learning much more than we anticipated. Very good point Kirsten.