Sometimes I have to take a step backwards and look at all of the freedoms we have in this country that we take for granted. I remember hearing a story in high school in my history class about my teacher friend of his who lived in Australia. He told us how they were protesting, but the protest wasn't about anything important. He asked why they were protesting something that made little to no difference, and it was because they do not have the freedom of speech to really speak out like we do in America. They do not have a Bill of Rights in their Constitution, like the one that guarantees us certain rights in America.I really value this amendment in the Constituion, it give me the right to voice my opinion on any subject, without being penalized for it.
The right to vote for women was a long difficult battle but one that was well worth it. As a registered voter I take pride in being able to take part in the slection of our government officials. I know it took many long years and many women to get the
19th amendment passed in 1920 but I believe our nation and out lives would be very different if it was not ratified.
The right to religious freedom is something else that has played an tremendous role in my life. I have been going to the same church my entire life and it is very important to me that I am able to do this without being persecuted, as my ansectors were.
The child labor laws that are in place play a pivitol role in our societ as we know it. It keeps the children in school where they belong and out of the work force. I know that it sometimes it seems that teens have no choice to work to support thier familes, but school is a prioety for them. So I believe it is very important that there is a set number of hours that someone under the age of 18 can work.
As others have stated the FDA laws are essential to our country's wel being. The ablitly to just drink water from the faucet or not having to worry if you will get sick from the meat you purchase is a true luxery that we enjoy in America. These laws would not have come about if not for many deaths that occured from an "elixcer" that was leagally sold that killed many people.
These laws and movments shaped our sulture into what it is today, and they affect all of our lives on a personal level as well. All of these laws started with one person taking a step in the right direction.
I never knew that Australia did not have freedom of speech in their constitution. I find it funny that australians want to protest, because it's for something they do not have. Almost never do I see Americans exercising their right to protest in public. We want what we can't have ,and once we have it, we do not do much with it.
ReplyDeleteThat being said it still is vital we have the rights present, in case the need arises that we use them. Women's rights, child labor laws, and FDA regulations are things we do not think about, but we benefit from.
ReplyDeleteI enjoy reading your blogs because they give me so much insight into the way that you think and perceive things.
I agree with you that we, as Americans, have such a plentiful amount of freedoms, and we tend to forget that there are circumstances and acts of social rebellion that occured in order for us to have those freedoms.