Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Get Involved

In many aspects of my life, community service and being socially involved has been encouraged. When I was in school, teachers and peers have always stressed the importance of being involved in the community. Clubs such as interact were quick to recruit all of those individuals who wanted to taken on a more active role in their community. They made it easy for me to become socially involved and to be more interested in my community. By th end of my sophmore year I was in a couple of different clubs, all of which helped me become more aware of my community. School was very helpful for me to realize the benifits of volunteering and being socially active, but I do have to say that it was my church that really got me started. Ever since my first years in Sunday School, we were always taught to help others and do all thay we could to make and impact in our community. We would start off small by bringing in canned food and once we got to junior high and high school we would go to foodbanks adn raise money for different causes. Every organization that has ever given back to the community has always stressed helping those less fortunate than ourselves. Every little bit helps, no matter what the service is.

There are many qualities that shape our roles in social activism. In the chapter we read we were given the example of the two art majors who wanted to get involved but couldn't fit it in there schedules. However they were able to show support by being able to design and make the banners for the cause. Each one of us lends a different quality that we can use to help our community. Whether it is leadership skills, or artistic abilities they all can help change our community. I think for me the quality I can use to help a cause would be my dedication. I feel when it comes to helping our community doing the job right and to the best of your extent is very benificial. It is important to remember not to lose focus and remember those who you are helping.


  1. Remember those whom you are helping. This is definitely something that a lot of people tend to forget. Whether it is when they are actually doing service and all they are worried about is, "When are we done? I want to go get lunch." Or if one lets life get in the way with work, school, and a social life. How would you recommend for someone to be able to balance out their life where they can have all these things, yet making time to help out the community? Some don't see it as being a possibility.

  2. I think it is so important that people realize what you said, "each one of us lends a different quaility that we can use to help our community". Many of us think that our skills aren't good enough or won't be benificial to any cause, but that is not the case at all. We are all blessed with unique characteristics and abilities that were given to us for a reason and purpose. We can choose to let those go to waste or to utilize them and actually make a difference in someone else's life.
