Micheal Jackson wrote "We are the world. We are the children. We are the ones to make a brighter day so let's start giving." There needs to be a balance of caring between our children, and children throughout the world. I think we need to give our children a sense of caring for those that don't have as much as they do. Our compassion mixed with theirs can make such an impact for other children. I've talked with my friends about kids, family, etc. They believe that as long as there family is safe, that's all that matters. they think that the poverty and hunger other children face each day is horrendous and should be resolved, but since their child is well-fed and taken care of, the less fortunate kids are not given another thought until maybe two weeks later, when one of them dies from hunger. Sounds a tad selfish, but in all honesty, most of us don't concern ourselves with issues until they are physically/mentally happening to us. I understand their point of view, and till recently, I would agree. One way to change our point of view is to open up our hearts, close our eyes, and imagine what we would do if our children were suffering. If the obvious answer doesn't pop into your head, then maybe it's time to venture into the world a little bit.
I think the lesson is that sometimes we have to pave the way for our descendants to follow. We hope they choose the path we've worked so hard one, or maybe even create one of their own that is just a good if not better. It would take a lot of money, patience, programs, and people to get everyone off the street. Not just that, the homeless would have to want something better for themselves, we cannot push them into getting off the street. If we consistently work on this I think that our grandchildren's children could impact the community enough to get most of the homeless off of the street.
I agree with you Joanna when you say that we need to show our children how to be compassionate to others that have less than us and maybe they will pass that on as well. This can be something as simple as giving to charities to making a family tradition of going to a shelter to help organize foor or help serve food to the homeless. I think by making them aware early and doing this as a family not only ensures that your family is strong, but makes your children aware of the issues of their community. Hopefully, our children will then go on and pass these skills on to their children.