I was adopted by my aunt when I was little. I was her nephew, however, I was not in her immediate family. Many times she would hear reports about how I was supposedly a horror child, which I kind of was, but she still helped me. If she had not reached out and worked with me when so many people did not see the potiential she saw I would not be where I am today.
I would think she would agree with this statement as it pertains to what happend to me. However, even as we might try we cant change people. My aunt tried to help some other children that were in bad situations as well but couldnt get the kid to actually want to work. When I was little she sat me down and told me that I could become someone or sit and mope around about my situation. She said that she would help any way she could but I would have to want to change.
I have learned much from her. I wanted to work with kids because she inspired me to do so. However, I learned that you should do what you can to help people in need but you can only help those who want to be helped. The best thing we can do is encourage kids and give them hope and the tools to succeed.
In the end you can only do what you can to help knowing that anything you do for a child in need will hopefully positively affect them. As for me I will do my best to help others but keep an eye on my family and care for them as well. I will teach the kids I help the priciples that will influence them to do the same as my aunt did for me to change this world's future for the better.
Finally, to influence others, I will live my life as an example to influence others. I think that if we live as christ would live we can influence others to help kids as well. I think actions speek louder than words. Talk is big but action will influence all decent people to take some kind of action. I think that if we just went out talking like we know everything people would not respond well. But if we show people what a difference they can make I think people will respond well.
Man Richard, what a blog!! I think this may be the only one of the group (that I've gotten to read so far) that took the quote and looked at it from the child's point of view. That is a very interesting way to look at this! You yourself are a living testimony of what can result from somebody's unselfish love for another. I can see that you have really learned a lot from your aunt, and I think it is especially cool that she has inspired you to want to do the same for others!