Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Be the change you wish to see in the world.

I personally feel as though the statement " when we shrink from the world, our souls shrink too" is false because if you bring something to the table or to the world we live in now, then you will also leave something valueable behind, (weither small or large). Many of the people who have made a difference in the world in the past (such as presidents, government, Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, Mother Theresa, and so many more) did not think they would make as much of an impact as they have today. Holding back from certain situations does not neccarsarily mean we always end up with nothing, it just means we may not have our own opinion right then and there and we will eventually get to tell what we want people to know. For some it takes a while to simply voice their own feelings and some may have an opinion but not want to express it. In these cases it is all how we few are level of trust and communication towards one another. Deep down inside everyone's voice would love to be heard, although it is a matter of who is willing to share and who is there just to listen. If we put our selves on the out skirts of communication we will physically be there however not mentally and this makes it hard for people to know what is really going on, on the inside instead or just being another person in the crowd. Everyone has their own opinion about various things in life however its their choice to let it be known or unknown, there honestly is nothing wrong with either one. As an individual i stand strong with my opinions and let people known what i am feeling for the most part, however their is a time and a place for people to voice their opinions. We all have different believes for one thing or another,it is encouraged by many however to let your opinion be heard because you could be the difference you never thought you could be. I strongely believe that groups such as SLICE are wonderful groups to help individuals understand that they are important no matter what roll they play in the group. Every one is different and wants their opinions voiced in a different way in time whats ment to be heard will be heard and dealt with. My last point i will make states that our soul only shrinks from the world if we let it. We know our own limits and boundaries, it's the process of wanting to make a difference or being the difference that is what really matters in the end.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with that everyone can bring their own impact into the world if they choose to. But do you think that if people choose to not help and voice their opinion and make the change they want to see, that the world starts to dwindle because no one is taking care of it? Because no one wants to look and bring a better world, that it starts to "shrink" because no one is making change?
