At times I feel as if people are just making excuses as to why they can't help. People procrastinate all the time with things such as homework. But if you really think about that, the daily routine of procrastination has migrated into everyday life with different things including helping in the community. There is no ideal moment to get involved. I always say that I waited to get involved because I was always so consumed with soccer. In reality I could have found some time to get involved. People don't feel as if they are adequate enough to participate in certain areas. However, all it takes is for one person to stand up and be a leader. Seeing that one person has stood up and decided to speak out and make a difference can cause a domino effect with others. Like I said there is not a perfect moment to get involved nor should there be a perfect standard. A quote that I personally felt summed it up was that "Souls are like athletes. . . that need opponents worthy of them if they are to be tried and extended and pushed to the full use of their powers." I am an athlete and I find this true in many areas of my life that I set a standard of what I should compete against. However, from the perspective of getting involved with the community waiting until you find the perfect opportunity is something I do not agree with. Through service learning one may learn who they are. The part about Martin Luther King Jr. proves that no matter who you are you can make a difference, You do not have to be perfect;we are human and we all make mistakes but why live with the mistake of waiting for the perfect standard. You cannot judge and hope to find your so called perfection. Personally, just from doing two service projects with my slice group I already feel a drive from within to make a difference. Yet when the opportunity is not handed to you, one must step out and find it for themselves and search for that drive from within and live with the imperfections that make everyone and every situation unique. Learn to love spontaneity and blossom into a person who does not set perfect standards and makes excuses. Get Involved!!!!!!
Christiana i personal agree with what you have to say, because i too was in to sports school and work and i would always say, community serivice is easy to get into when i need to do it, it will get done. but i kept making the same excuses over and over again. knowing deep down inside. i believe that their is no perfect moment for anything, the moment things happen is just because we are running out of time and usually it just has to be done. i feel very honored to be in Slice, for more reasons then one there are some many people in this group who i feel have already made an impact in my life and i am sure so many more will. As a group,class, FAM(ILY) i feel as though we will in the end we will all accomplish great things together. and make those things such as excuses,time,procrastination not a major issue instead we will know what is really important and work hard to say "there is a way..no matter what they say" -Most Def True Magic (shortest song ever, but has the most meaningful message! =)
ReplyDeleteBoth of you, read what you wrote. You say you were in sports for so many years, and didn’t get the time to help out in the community. Is working with others from the community, everyday, striving for a personal best, pushing each other’s skills and abilities, enjoying their company and driving to success not a form of service? You don’t need to be in this class to realize you were wrong until now, yes it is an opportunity, but you have already had so many! Like everyone in the world, we all bring something to the table. Great posting!
It is always the right time to get involved. Yes, people have busy lives that can be crazy at times. However, like you said there is that time where all of us procrastinate when really we could just be getting our stuff done to help others. I am glad that you have finally realized that even though you are in athletics you can still do something to help make your community a better place. Everything that you put forth will make a difference some way or how.