Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Shades of Gray

Morality is a strange concept. It Implies that there is always a good and evil, a black and white, a Batman and Joker. Yet if we think logically about it, we understand that there are shades of gray in all of our lives. We can't all be saints all the time, nor are we sinners for life (regardless of what some religions say). Humans are born neutral, and by the time they die, their morality and values can change a thousand times. So what makes us want to improve the world, even sometimes at the cost of ourselves. What motivates a rich corporate C.E.O. to take an 8 figure bonus check from a failing company that just laid off 25% of it's workforce. Nothing is ever as clear as we would like it to be, but some factors definitely work into the moral equation.
A persons background in life like your community and family relationships will always take a big role in their desicions. Looking at the Ghettos and Barrios we hear about (and may live in ourselves), its no wonder they're swarming with gang violence and crime. They live in a community that the only way to survive is to look out for number 1, everyone else is an after thought. In that kind of enviroment, there is no motivation for charity or even common human decency sometimes. But even out of these dark places in society, some good does come, somebody looking to be better then what life gave them, and hoping to improve the lives of others as well. These people may not be educated or have any obvious skill or ability that sets them apart from the rest, but with social work and a determination, they can find something.

1 comment:

  1. Everday we hear stories of people who came from rags to riches and now give back to the ghetto communities that they once lived in themselves. I agree that people from even the lowest incomes and resources can bring about change and really push themselves along with others to better this world.

    Do you think more change could come from these "barrios" if someone were to offer them a different outlet in life? Instead of focusing on themselves to survive and take care of their family, possibly work with their youth and peers to help out their entire community?
