Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A Wife as a Purse?

I do agree that our souls shrink as we shrink away from the world. I think that it's so important for us to have a sense of community, to be aware of what's going on in the world around us, and to have at least somewhat of a desire to help improve our environments. I was thinking about something along these lines just the other day. . . How easy is it for us to get wrapped around in our own little lives? How easy is it for unimportant things to become our focus, our drive? I fee like in society today this happens a lot. I was sick in bed and watching "Wife Swap" on Lifetime (I know... don't judge me) and one of the families swapping was the most superficial family I had ever seen in my life (they even admitted to this!). The family was completely all about appearances, all about spending money, and the whole family's focus was on their infants and their participation in sports and beauty pageants. At one point the husband admitted (on national television) that his wife could be compared to a purse! He called his wife an accessory. And said one day his daughter will be one too. I thought that family, especially that husband, was the perfect illustration of complete self-involvement. And what was really scary to me is thinking they aren't the only family in the U.S. to have perspective - you see this kind of thinking everyday just through the media. Either way, it's so important to have a worldly perspective on things - it's not about looking good, or winning competitions - it's about helping others, living life with a community, instead of just in it. Like quoted in the book, "a rich life is trying to leave the world a little better than you found it," as quoted by Cornel West. How can someone live a rich life and better the world if they are so involved with themselves their souls are shrunken, if they are far away? Would that family be able to tell me about any community issues around them? Would they know about how we have thousands of immigrants and refugees just trying to survive on a daily basis? Would most people in our community? My biggest question is how can we solve issues if there is not awareness- if we are shrunk back from the world.

I have definitely stayed silent over a public issue in the past. I think we probably all have at some point. For me, the reason I wouldn't speak up for an issue is feeling I don't know enough about the subject to speak up about it. I have come to realize that that shouldn't keep me from standing up for an issue, and me feeling inadequate should be motivation for me to research the topic more so that in the future I may be an advocate for the issue. And maybe I know more than I think. Maybe the information I do know about a public issue is different from what others around me know and I could help them grow. It's always better to speak up. Something you have to say could really impact somebody else. Of course, I always believe that there is and time and place for some discussions, and although speaking out is always the best choice, it should be done with respectful considerations of those around you. The book talked about how it takes more energy to keep quiet than to voice your opinions and I could not agree more. I consider myself a very passionate person - almost everything I do and believe in, I do so with all my heart. Not speaking up for something that I hold so close to me would be like crushing me, my soul. Although sometimes I have "crushed my soul" by not speaking out, I continue to seek growth by speaking out and by listening and being open to others as they are doing their speaking out.


  1. Vanessa, isn't it amazing how reality tv has an effect on all of us? I think you set a good example by using an episode of the show to demonstrate how this family is not involved in our community at all! I think that we all stay silent at a certain point of our lives because we feel like we don't have enough information to back us up but sometimes by just voicing our doubts we will make a difference.

  2. I couldn't agree more with you when you said that knowledge is absolutely necessary when you feel a need to speak out and voice your opinion. I can't explain how much it irks me when someone rambles on about their opinion and have NO IDEA what they are argueing. And yes, although you have remained quiet in some occasions, speak your beliefs, whether they are through your own words, or your physical actions.

  3. I hate the media. We are a society glamorized and idolized in the promises of fame. I think one of the biggest errors we have is having false heroes, specifically in the form of actors and actresses, or people who do anything to make themselves "famous." I want to know what this mindset actually accomplishes. Watch the movie Idiocracy if you havent yet. Such is our fate without people to take a stand.


  4. Why were you watching lifetime and not studying? Joking.. anyway, I agree with you. Look at how much we pay football players vs elementary teachers. Voters will go out and pass taxes to pay for a stupid football field that only 2% of the population will ever see, but never go pass a 2% increase in taxes to pay more teachers or have better schools. I don't get it.
