I feel what holds me back the most from helping out around my community and reaching out to others is my own issues. I feel as though i take on my own roles and responsibilites to a higher extend than they need to be, i feel as though if i took a little less stress of my life, i.e. school, work, homework, or even just laying around because I dont want to do anything pulls me away from what i could be giving to the community. School is a major part of my life and i feel as though if i put alittle pit more time management into it every day i would be open to do more things. Work is another thing that holds me back from alot, when i am not at school i am working, and I am grateful to be one who at this young is not dependent on the week by week pay check. However, i run around like a chicken with my head cut off to do what i need to do for school and work. If i took the time out of my day to just slow down and relax i would be willing to give back to my community. Most of us feel that we need to do everything for ourselves before we reach out and help others and to an extent that is good, but we must know that if we help others along the way it will benefit us in the long run. In my community i feel that my neighbors as well as my family is not involved in much, the simplest things like cleaning up the park, or giving back to less fortunate is not on any ways TOP PRIORITY LISTS. However one person can do alot to change something so little and i feel like us as SLICE can help make that come true. we may not be a huge organization who knocks on everyones door or cleans up every park around town, but we do make a difference in more than one way. LITTLE BY LITTLE,ONE STEP AT A TIME.
In order to help out and take that first step, one has to find what their abilites are as a person and how they can benefit other people. A few abilites i think i have is that i am a good communicater, i can listen to others, as well as i am very open minded when it comes to change and making a difference. I will admit I have not perfected these abilites nor do think i ever will. However within time and with the people i meet along the way each one of these abilites will strengthen.
On a final note, i was reading Soul of a Citzen i was realizing that the people in the book were not looking for fame or being the most popular. They were looking to make and difference and stand up for what they believe in. I feel as a group such as SLICE we have all grown so close together in such a short time, and nobody judges each other on, races,culture,gender, how much money you have, how you were raised, and so on. We all came in opened minded with a positive attitude ready to take on a powerful journey and few it from multiple different points of view.
ReplyDeleteAs you say, we complicate our personal lives in a way that keeps us from seeing other's people reality. It might be lack of time management or even a complicated work schedule. But there is always something that seems to hold us back. We now have the opportunity, however, to change this vicious circle and do something about it. We have formed a great group, and I am very excited to be part of it. Like you said, we can make a difference in more than one way, little by little and one step at a time.
ReplyDeleteI love the insight and honesty that you consistantly share. That is what makes you you and truly genuine. Everything that you have said is true. We as individuals do tend to make our lives more difficult by trying to do too much at once, and when you addressed your personal struggles with work and school I could relate.
You also hit the nail on the head when you said we just need to slow down and relax. Hopefully, that is what we can all learn from each other and this program.