The dusty covers, the dog-eared pages, and hardbound spine of history books is where our society sleeps. Within the comfortable confines of history is where we keep our noses. Sure we live in the present, but that existence is mainly limited to the daily routines and habits that we are so familiar with. Our families and friends encourage inspecting the great changes and leaders of the past, but rarely encourage us to get out and make history! Our society has created a mutual feeling of admiration towards social change and activism, but we all look at one another asking, "who's going to be the brave one to go first!" No one wants to take that first leap, for fear of falling on their face in front of everyone.
The first step is to toe the line, come to the edge of action, where realization of the need for action is crystal clear. The next step is well, a step! A tiny-baby step. Several things can reassure us as we make our steps towards change and betterment. The first is that the steps, no matter how big or small, will reach an end. Henry Ford once said, "There are no big problems, there are just a lot of little problems." Another thing to comfort us is the fact that we have the skills to take each step. Our abilities will allow us to do our part, in our own special way. We can not only use our skills alone, but combine them with the unique abilities of others to cooperatively help a cause.
Of the many obstacles that stand between us and reaching out, fear is the one that stands out most prominently. Even though the people who are closest to us may be part of these obstacles, we can rely on our skills and good intentions to help guide each and every step we take. Ford also said, " the only history that is worth a tinker's dam is the history we made today." Lets shut the history book. Class dismissed, lets get out there.
Brooks i never new you were such a good writer, no offense. Although a business major I am a huge history buff and i love the relation to history. I hope everyone gets a chance to read what you wrote because it is very uplifting and makes me want to run out and do even more now. Nice work man.
ReplyDeleteI love your enthusiasm Brooks and I agree, we need to get out there and do something! The "little problems" you speak of are everywhere and we need to take those baby steps and SLICE is a great baby step to take action :)