Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Discover yourself.

These two chapters really seemed to connect with to a deep level of my spiritual side. I feel that stepping out of you comfort zone and doing the right thing for no personal benefit and giving to the world around us while glorifing God, is the duty of us here on Earth. So, yes i would agree with the quote from chapter 1, if we are going to "shrink from the world..." Then yes we would as a result,"...our souls shrink too." Meaning that the more you learn and pore your heart and soul into God then the richer your soul becomes and the passion to follow him becomes greater as well. I am the type of person who says how I feel always, and speaks about what I feel is right or wrong. Now, I do not think that speaking out is always the best thing to do. I feel that letting outhers take the role and letting things take it course are sometimes the best thing to do, but for me this is the most difficult. It is a fine line and you have to have a good balance of self-control and voice in order for it to be a truely positive thing always.

Waiting for the ideal moment, I do not feel that there is an ideal moment in life and if you keep waiting for one, you are not living your life in the present or to the fullest. I find myself always jumping the gun so to speak. I am not much a waiting kind of girl. However, when it comes to things that may be a tad intimidating or that you do not want to take the time to do... this is when that line comes about. Eventually what happens to these people is they find themselves living wishing they had done some of the things that they held back on. This goes hand in hand with the "Perfect standard." I feel that this is something that is very apparent in teens today. I feel that a lot of them do not even try at school or work because there is such a perfect standard. This I feel leads to depression amoung so many young students as well. I do feel that there is hope though. I want to inspire people and emrace everyone with open arms. This is a struggle though because of course we are all humans. However, I feel that through growth and the word of God I will keep on discovering who I am and hopefully I will be able to help others through the societies pressures of being PERFECT.


  1. Sorry forgot to add in what I thought about King getting a "C" in his philosophy class. I felt that is was put in there to inspire us and to help us realize that the only one who can shut us down from acomplishing things, is the standards and the closed mindedness that surrounds us and our minds from developing and discovering who we are through the journey of life.

  2. I completely agree with you on this Karyssa. We are suppose to be children of God and are suppose to reflect how God works in our everyday lives which requires for you to not let yourself shrink from the world and others around you. Excellent point.

  3. What is a perfect standard? please let me know? Does this mean being average is okay?

  4. I think that the perfest standard is different in every persons lifes, its different because of the life we live, the values we have, they way we were raised. I feel that there is a perfect standard that is in everyones minds and constantly we are trying to achieve that. No, I don't think that being average is okay, I think being the best you can be is what is okay.
