For many years I woke up to a world that never changed, a world that I had little control over, except maybe what to eat. I spent my youth watching others grow up and accomplish feats I had just yet dreamed of. One minor detail that I most likely always observed was that these people I looked up to made their accomplishments look so easy. However as I grew up I quickly realized even a small obstacle contained difficulties.
Believe it or not I was once extremely quiet and shy little boy. My parents believed in me and told me that one day I could do anything and taught me the difference between right and wrong. They showed me most importantly how to be a good catholic and all the invaluable lessons I could learn from god. At church they told me pretty much the same stuff that my parents did and said that we were capable of changing the world around us by serving god. I grew up in a community that really kept to itself, although I was raised in a large neighborhood I to this day know but a few of my neighbors. Even though I was told my entire life that I could help change the world, no one ever showed me how. I knew how to be a good person but a good citizen not so much. Change is preached, written, sung but not accepted. Everyone wants change but does not know it when they see it. The world has grown so far astray from trusting one another that everyone is looked at as an enemy. This is one of the reasons I participate in social activism and believe it is of the upmost importance. I want to help teach people that they can trust again and that anyone can help make a change. So many people desire to make a change but are scared of all that comes along with it. By doing what I do I hope to help demolish this fear and show others it is not that hard and the first step is the biggest one. I try to be a good leader and do my best to lead by example. One strength of mine is I’m personable and easy to talk to. This makes it easy to get to know others and help others know me. I can also be somewhat loud which is a strength in my opinion but could (in my case) go either way. All these attributes are qualities I hope to use to show others that anyone can help change the world and make a difference. Because I am not perfect in any way but the beauty is that you don’t have to.
After reading this chapter I thought long and hard about the obstacles surrounding us from getting socially active. Following this thought process I realized something, that it was not other outside forces creating these barriers but myself. I realized that I made the choice to help others, that I must be the positive change in my community and family, that I must be the miracle that everyone is looking for.
hey Robby,
ReplyDeleteI can see that you have a great passion toward your future and keep your faith strong. i agree on what you said about most people that you look up to make you feel that their accomplishment seem very easy. That sometimes disturbs me too, but no one got to their level of accomplishment without suffering and facing some obstacles like what you said even the small obstacles have difficulties. And yes, you are a miracle. :)
You were quiet? I think you were right about parents and our church telling us we can change to world and with their support it will help along the way. Also I liked how you said that the smaller obstacles can be just as hard to get over then the larger ones, but all we can do is work hard and do our best to getr over them.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with you about change. People want it, ask for it, and when they get it want to "return to sender." I can feel the passion you have for social acivism in your writing and it nice to see that. Keep doing what you're doing, I know that God is proud of you!!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm going to have to agree with Rana when she was referring to how you said you were some what amazed at how others seem to accompolish things with relative ease. Although in reality those people probably went through a lot of time and effort with struggles here and there to get to the point of where they are now finally comfortable with what they do. With time and practice anyone can get to that point of comfort where it almost becomes second nature to them.