Wednesday, February 3, 2010


"When we shrink from the world, our souls shrink, too" is a qoute that we all can look at and wonder if we are shrinknig or are we letting ourselves be a part of this world. If we let people speak for us we allow them to act for us too.Not only do our souls shrink as we let the world take over but we forget that we have a voice and a powerful one if that. As Loeb described Virginias story i couldnt help but to think that are thousands of people like her and that dont want to pursue their voice. Only a limited amount of people actually followthrough and get involved. If we allow ourselves to let go of our fears and jump in we can do amazing things. I also like the quote from Thomas Merton describing that our "souls are like athletes" "That need opponents worthy of them if they are to be tried and extended and pushed to their full use of their powers." I think this quote is relevant becasue it is so true, if speak out and stand up for greater things our "souls" will be tested and used to its ability. Speaking out is a gift that everone has but only a few use. We should try to use that gift as much as possible, if we dont somebody will for us and then our voice isnt heard. I do think it is better to speak out at any moment becasue you never know when your next chance is going to be.


  1. It is important for everyone to have their own voice and stand up for themselves. I agree that we must be an active member in the world or our souls will "shrink" and we become less ourself.

  2. You made some really good points. It is true that if you don't voice your own opinion in the world then some one else will just be running the show. Always stand up for what you believe in and let people know how you feel about situations.
