Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Time To Act Is Now

Often times, it is our own doubts about our less-than-perfect lives that discourage us from getting out into the community and helping others. It is the worry that we will not be able to help those in need because we cannot even set our own lives straight all the time. Some people are just waiting for that perfect timing when all of their own affairs are set in order, but the truth is, nothing will ever be perfect. We just need to come to terms with the fact that life has its ups and down, even when you think everything is settled, everything can change in the blink of an eye. We need to do as much as we can with what we have. There will always be someone less fortunate than each of us. As horrible as we may think our situation is, things could always be worse. On the other hand, things can always be improved as well. This is a point that many people fail to see, perhaps it is due to the fact that many people have developed a “learned helplessness”, as is mentioned in the book. If we do not have the faith and belief that we can improve anything with the right amount of effort and determination, then nothing will change. We need to show those who think that where they have sunk to is where they will stay forever that there is always hope. Action must be taken to show people that the “perfect” moment is now—the appropriate time to join forces for the greater good is immediately. The voices of those affected by the economy and various personal events need to be heard now, before it is too late. There is no use in waiting to make a difference because you may find yourself waiting your whole life and letting opportunities fly by. Eventually your doubts about the perfection of your own life will turn to regrets of not being able to leave this world in better condition than when you came into it.


  1. Definitely something I will ponder on my death bed, like so many others, is have I left this world in better condition than when I arrived. I agree very much with what you said about "joining forces" because it reminded me of a quote from the Flow: For Love of Water movie that said; "never underestimate the power that a small dedicated group of people have to change the world. In reality, it is the only thing that ever has." There is no perfect moment, but rather a perfect decision. That decision is to ACT NOW! I agree. We cannot allow this "learned helplessness" continue any longer.

  2. WOW! Amy, I want to run out and do something this very minute, but I'm in my pjs and would freak everyone out. You are correct though. If people wait and say they will do it later, later never happens because there is always something happening. You have to find time not wait.

  3. You are so right Amy. So many people worry that if their own lives aren't in order than how in the world are they supposed to help others out with theirs? If more people don't start going out to try to make some kind of small difference in the world nothing is going to change. If everyone starts with small changes than they can influence people to make those bigger changes. You have taken that step by seeing this and with what you are doing here in SLICE. I look forward to spending the next couple of months with you and to see the changes that you will make!
