Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Think Before You Speak

It's hardly to agree or disagree about Loeb’s statement "When we shrink from world, our soul shrink too." Deep inside of my heart, I really think that speaking up is really important for a real change to occur. Human beings cannot read what's inside our head or what we are thinking of unless we tell them. I wish I had that supernatural ability! I liked the story that Loeb stated about Virginia’s life experience and how she faced her difficulties to stand up for herself even though it was hard: “It was hard to stand up to politicians and tell them what we wanted, because it’s been imbedded in my mind to be nice to everybody. It seemed rude at first. But I began to understand the importance of holding people accountable for what they promise.” I feel the same way that I have to be nice to everybody because that shows respect and sometimes will save us from falling into trouble especially when you trying to speak up to a large organization or someone who has “The Power.” That’s why we have to think, think twice and carefully before we make any movement, before we pursue on speaking up about anything. We have to think about the outcomes and the causes and effects from speaking up. Is going to benefit the society and our world or just a waste of our time? Moreover, I also think that the best way to express our feelings and let others know about what we are going through from a sad or a happy situation is by speaking up. Sometimes others might benefit from our opinions and arguments, or they might use it against us as a weak point. But in both cases we have to know that it took the courage from us to speak up and face them. So, we should never think that what we want to say is not worth saying.


  1. Hi Rana,
    I agree that it is important to speak up and discuss because other people can benefit from what we have to say.

  2. Hey Rana,
    I also agree with what you wrote especially when it came to the part about wanting to be respectful to everyone so no one would be hurt. I believe that alot of it comes from how we were raised, especially since everytime I would fight with my brother my dad would tell me "If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all." Unfortunately we do sometimes need to speak up and break those boundaries, especially if it is for the interest of ourselves and our community. It might be out of our comfort zone but it will get easier with time, just as it did for Virginia Ramirez.

  3. Hey Rana,
    I definately agree with your post, especially the parts about respecting others and standing up for yourself. As Humans, its hard to decide when to put yourself first without seeming selfish. You always want to respect others and what they have to say, but at what point do you stop worrying about others and focus on yourself? Then there's always that lingering thought "Am I being selfish?" It's a never ending cycle of guilt. This is a dilemma that people face everyday!

  4. Hey girl,
    I value the fact that you chose to look at both sides of the spectrum. People too often choose to only see the full benefit of their actions while they do not comprehend the consequences as a possibility.

  5. Rana: I agree with you and it has to do with cultural backgrounds and sometimes how we were raised. I'm Italian and for me, my mother always told me to speak up but do it respectfully and never talk bad about another individual even though you may disagree. You always need to consider both sides of the story.
