Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Our Wolrds

Taking a larger role in the world or community offers us knowledge and perspective. For most of us, seeking knowledge perspective is one of the main sources of self-fulfillment. Knowledge brings understanding and can bring us success; however, I am a strong believer that self-growth is extremely personal. Some people thrive for knowledge by understanding others in the world while others thrive to understand their patch of land.
I believe that the meaning of life is what you can make of it and we all define our own specific existence. Some people find fulfillment helping others. They feel that helping others is the reason why they are here, their calling in life while others find happiness in their own paths. For example, some people find fulfillment living in the mountains being one with nature. I don’t think that either attitude is right or wrong because who are we to say what is the best way to live life? Not everyone desires to follow the same path. In a sense, I guess I do agree with the statement when the world is understood through different interpretation. Today, with globalization and the expansion of worldwide communication, we commonly interpret the world as the entire world, but hundreds of years ago we would have considered the world to be our small community and maybe a handful of major cities. So if one of us were to shrink from our self-defined world, our life would be unfulfilled and our soul would shrink.
Even though I’m a very opinionated person, I have stayed silent over discussions on public issues. I prefer to listen to all sides of a story before I speak out my opinions. Staying silent has granted me a different, better informed opinion. I think it’s more important to listen before speaking out and proscribing one approach over another.

1 comment:

  1. I too am a fairly silent person. It is true that many people have their own opinions and listining is often how I learn and better myself. Good Points. ^^
