Wednesday, February 3, 2010


John Lennon is most commonly known for his ability to make beautiful music and is one of the most influential song writers of all time. He often imagined what the world would be like if "all the people were living in peace" and what the world might be like if the world were one. But he also called to us by praying that "someday you'll join us. Loeb explains that” we wait our entire lives to find the perfect moment to get involved,” and Lennon would like us to first imagine it. Just as Loeb questions our ability to get involved in something; Lennon says first to imagine that perfect moment and even questions if we could even do so by slipping in “I wonder if you can.” So many people everyday discard doing something that benefits society because they believe they cannot but can you blame them? Some of these reasons are; I’m not strong enough, I’m not smart enough, I didn’t come from the right family, that’s not my role/place, not right now and what if I fail. The perfect standard of only the smartest guy or someone else is made for doing what you do not want to. How many people fall victim to this? How many people actually recognize what they are doing to themselves? The answer is more than most likely will admit to either of these questions.

I was no different than any of these people; I at one time even was in that category. I never believed that I was good enough to lead, nevertheless lead a community to success. So I played my part for many years believing that I was unfit for this part and that I need to help myself first. For so many years I watched others that I looked at as above myself. I still participated in community service since I was a child but was never a major role because I had seen the standard of those at that level. For many years I too fell victim to this false belief, until those that believed in me pushed me into a role of leader in community service. Where I soon learned that I could fulfill that role too and at the same time would learn even more about myself in the process. I would never begin to say that I am anywhere near perfect and of tent think of myself as far from it, but even I have been and hope to continue to be successful leading community service. Loeb’s message comes through strongly when he mentions that King got a “C” in his philosophy class, no one is perfect. Even a figure as wise and influential as King is capable of such change. This information did not surprise me because making a change and serving the community is a reflection of one’s ability to act not how well a person can memorize information from a book.

If possible I would hope that everyone can first “imagine” their perfect/ peaceful world and then go out and make their imagination a reality.


  1. I really liked your blog! I love how you related it to something we all could relate to--music. I completely understand what you mean about how you can be involved all the time, but not taking a major role in it makes you lose out on experiences. I am just glad you and I both realized it and now we are trying our best to make a difference :)

  2. I liked that you related your blog to John Lennon's music too. It's funny, if you read my blog a lot of it is about my boarding school. It was really one of the most amazing places I have ever been, because everyone there is forced to try to reach their fullest potential. When everyone is doing so, it makes for an extremely pleasant environment. One ritual within the school was that we always had Monday morning meetings with the entire school. These meetings were conducted by the headmaster who was OBSESSED with Lennon! He would always open up the meeting with one of Lennon's songs. I really associate his music with just peace and harmony, and everyone being true to themselves. I think you made a really neat connection between the text and Lennon's music. Cool! =]

  3. Very well said Robby. A lot of people including myself fall victim to believing that they can't become a successful leader and making a difference in the community around them. Although if we push ourselves and work hard enough at it anything is possible.
