Sunday, February 7, 2010


I think this chapter goes back to what we talked about in class a little bit. I feel like we pretty much covered in class, at least for me, the main reasons why I haven't gotten involved in the community in the past. I know for me, currently it's the lack of time. Like I said on my previous post, it's pretty easy to get wrapped up in your own life, your own schedule and forget about everything else. I feel like I do that a lot, especially now being in college and trying to balance social life, homework, work, etc. Also, another big part of the reason I wouldn't/don't get involved a lot of times is because of the ridicule one gets from wanting to be more active in the community. Right now I'm pretty involved in the community... I do a lot of stuff with PTK, am obviously in SLICE, and i volunteer at my church frequently. But as I've been trying to manage my time better and do everything I want to do, I don't feel supported... My friends and family don't ever comment on any of the stuff I do besides "you never hang out with us anymore", "you're always busy", or ask "why are you doing all of that".. I feel like I don't get any encouragement from them. Thankfully I've been plugged in with an awesome, awesome group in SLICE and i'm seriously so happy and thankful to be with a group who do want to make and see a change in this world. I definitely feel encouraged and capable in what i'm doing just by hanging out with this awesome group of people.

The funny thing to me is that I do come from a Christian background... most of my friends are Christian.. and it's part of our faith to have a vision to "love others" and reach out. That message and the fact that i lived next door to slums as a child (and have seen so much poverty.. so much brokenness) have made me want to get involved. It has been through the influence of the churches i've attended that i've gotten a heart for service. So to be honest it's actually kind of backwards! I should be getting full support from them... but am not. Sad, but just like you and I get pushed away from getting involved because of different reasons (i.e. scheduling, not knowing where to get involved, lack of motivation) they do too, and just like us, my friends and family lose sight of community involvement and shy away. But through SLICE I'm super excited for them (my friends and family) to maybe see that our involvement in the community is very important and we shouldn't let anything keep us from getting involved. I hope that they see a change in me as I go through this program, and a change in our community and get involved too! I hope that I can help somehow revive the message I know they've heard about the importance of community involvement and that it'll spark a change in their attitudes.

I'm definitely a good talker. I talk and talk... and talk. I'm pretty good with computers, not the best but I think I know more than the average person... I'm developing some leadership skills for sure... I think with all these abilities I have the capability of teaching English, or teaching someone computer stuff..But especially English because I had to learn the language myself and I still help my mom, dad and cousins with it on occasion (and am still learning the fine details myself). It's actually kind of hard for me to specify any more than that because I don't think I've found my "niche" yet as the book refers to it. But I am looking, and I'm applying all these abilities and some other developing ones to everything I do and am definitely trying to figure out what I'm best at. I'm excited that I get to test some of these abilities out and learn more about myself through SLICE!


  1. I believe that as long as we stay passionate about our beliefs we touch those around us. I started getting involved because I saw what a positive experience it was for people around me. Just keep up the encourgement and positive outlook and others will see that and want to be a part of it.

    Vanessa, you have so much to offer those around you. More than just talking and computer skills. You have a great compassion and an amazing drive to accomplish what you set out to do. This above all will help you bring about the changes you want to see.

  2. I can very well relate to your issues of not having volunteered due to all the extracurricular things you do, and not having enough encouragement from the people that you need it the most. I as well, I’m involved in ASG, ISA, and now SLICE, besides work and school. Sometimes it’s really heartrending how others see what we are doing, and imply that it’s a waste of time, or think that there are better things to do than help one another. I will tell you not to feel discouraged, that I know it’s hard to stay positive when no one around you seems to understand the reason behind all your actions. The only thing that could be of consolation is that deep inside of you, you know you are making a difference, and that difference should make a difference to you.

    I am so glad to be in such a group as SLICE, where we can relate, listen, understand, and support one another. However, the thing that I am mostly happy about is probably the fact that we can meet marvelous people like you, who truly have a passion towards a better future.

  3. Vanessa, i totally understand what you are saying. i mean there are so many people who are like. why in the world would you be taking that class (SLICE), why are you staying so long doing volunteer services, why.why.why? And yeah its for the credits, and the scholarship money, and all that dandy stuff. But until they realize what more comes out of it they would never even imagine. Yeah you make friends with people and you share funny inside jokes, but the time and dedications we put into it AS WELL as the people we all deal with and trying to understand what they are going through. We all make excuses and we all have reasons to say no or push back and do something later but NOW is our time to show that what we are doing is going to make a difference wither it be a dent in the road or a change for all humanity. It starts with one, and eventual others will follow.

  4. Vanessa,

    I am glad that you can find comfort and support with the class as well as our group. At times it is easy to become discouraged with the messages that people close to your heart may send to you, but they may not fully understand the weight of their words. Once they see how happy service is making you they will no longer begin to wonder why you are doing it but rather why they are not doing it.

    Keep up with being motivated and getting out into different aspects of service. :)
