Wednesday, March 3, 2010

One Half of you loves.

"One Half of you loves, and the Other Half of you at times hates. This is the Forked Medicine Pole of Man. The clever thing the Medicine has taught us here is this: One Half of you must understand the Other Half or you will tear yourself apart. It is the same with the Other Half of any People who live together. But remember! Both Halves must try to understand.
--Seven Arrows
Hyemeyohsts Storm
This quote explains the meaning of what Loeb is trying to say. He means that you may see each other tearing apart the surface value or assumptions you may have of others. However, when you decide to show love, and listen miraculous things will happen. You will grow from their lives and you will be able to see the depth in that person. Understanding is the key. Through others stories and values we grow wiser. Let the side the LOVES prevail.
The characters that I saw working together that impacted me the most was the Atheist and the Christians. I feel that what you believe spiritually is so embedded in you that it would seem to be the hardest to let go and work with someone of the opposite belief. I know that Jesus loves everyone and that He would come together and work with someone for a great cause even if they are Atheist. I think that is the perfect example of how we should except others. We may not believe what they believe, but that is their choice. Do not let it get in the way of getting to know a great person. You need to be open to others ways of life, but never forget who you are and where you stand. That is how I have lived, it is not always easy and I have found myself not being the one who listens, and just judges. However, when we do listen we are loving and learning.
Being burned out was a regular thing for me in High School. I was involved with everything, I was especially involved with Student Government. I found that by my Junior year, yeah I had had a good time but I never got to stop and enjoy it. I would be in meltdowns constantly because I was so overwhelmed and I hadn't hung out with friends for a long time. Then the summer of Junior year I thought about quitting Student Government for my Senior year of High School. My Mom told me that I should not quit, and that I loved it. It was then that I realized there has to be balance. I do not have to do everything on my own. I have to take time for myself as well. So I listened to my Mom, did Student Government my Senior year and loved it. I finally could BREATHE! You have to have an enriching personal life before you can truly enrich others lives.


  1. I completely agree with you Karyssa. I think that it is important to let the side of you that loves to do so. It is like the quote in Entertaining and Elephant, "Everything you teach you are learning. Teach only love, and learn that love is yours and you are love."

    I think as future teachers this is something we need to embrace. We must love; we must embrace eachothers differences, even if we disagree. We will always learn something from these experiences and so will our students. By teaching love and compassion, we are making a difference to these students' futures.

    I can relate to you meltdowns due to being over involved, but if you love it, than why give it up? I'm glad that you stuck with it because I am sure that you learned many lessons from these experiences :)


  2. People may not have different viewpoints about you on things but whatever there view is, is definitely something that should not be judged. You are so right about having to be open to others thoughts as long as you don't forget who you are.
    Taking on a lot can be very overwhelming. Sometimes you just need to take that timeout and sit back and enjoy life why you can. I am glad that you actually have gotten to do this!
