Listining to others is how we not only gain knowledge but how be better society. For instance, America is one giant conglomarate of ideas. The constitution incorporates ideas of freedom not only from ancient philosophers but even England. While the constitiution was being written many ideas had to come into play to make what we have. If people hadent worked accepted eachothers ideas they would not have come up with a document that has survived for over 200 years. I believe what leob meant is that just like those who worked together to form a nation of freedom realized they had to listen to eachother. We must listen to others to gain common ground.
Just like Hazel convinced a firend of hers to address that same type of congress to adress hunting licences. If she hadent worked with her firend to do this they would have never achieved what they did. It is similar with us and our parents. Many times we think they are against us. For instance, I might come home from work thinking that things are unfair but they explain why things are how they are. I may not agree with them at first but in the end I realize they are truly on my side. They want me to grow and survive just as much as I do.
The main point is that if we work with others, even if we do not agree with them all the time, we can achieve the greater good. Hazel, for instance, opposed central americas operations but if congress were to listen to these ideas they might better themselves and the world. If we listen to other oposing views, like the origial congress did, we can realize that we all have one common goal. Whatever that goal may be we will be one step closer to it if we can all understand eachothers positions on life.
Richard, you've written some great things here! I like how you distinguish that there is a goodness (or at least the potential for goodness) in the American congress and government at large. It is important to recognize and hold hope for the fighting goodness in our country's decision makers! Furthermore, it is critical to never misplace the concept that we ourselves are those decision makers! Good blog, buddy!