Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Even a Minute

I have felt burned out by involvement many times. For some reason I always seem to push the limits of what I should commit myself to. This doesn't seem that bad until that one little thing that comes up to push that level of commitment over the edge. When something like that happens I tend to start over analyzing the things that I am involved in and commited to. My reaction is often to want to just pull back from things entirely, feeling like I am just one person no one will notice if I'm not involved anymore. I start to look at the results or where I want something to end up and feeling exhausted knowing the amount of work that still lays ahead to that goal and just want someone else to take over.

This was all especially true this semester when it has seemed more hectic and exhausting than usual with school, work, and many personal struggles. I have considered just backing out of some of the commitments that I have made. Then I stepped back and thought things through and realized how much I had already put into many of these things. I realized that I just needed to take a second for myself. I didn't really want to give anything up in fact I couldn't even decide what I would choose to give up.

This reaction seems pretty typical of people I have talked to. Unfortunately, we are often impulsive people and so often will act on those feelings of wanting to quit. We'll feel relief in the beginning for sure, but I think that we will regret the decisions later.

I think that one of the ideas in chapter 10 that makes perfect sense to me and that I will put into practice is setting boundaries. Taking care of personal issues and putting the time into making sure you have the energy and mindset to really be effective in the causes you care about. Understanding that our commitments come with a cost, but that we are also less effective if we allow ourselves to become burned out or find ourselves withdrawing completely. Often just stepping back to take a minute for yourself can make all the difference in the world, and allow you to stay fully vested in the causes we care so much about.


  1. I know how that goes. I had so many things to do but I didn't know which one to let go. I finally just gave up and saw how much effort I had already put in and the potential in everything I was doing and kept going strong. Kudos!!
    And that part of Chapter 10 was my favorite :)

  2. Miss Jenny!

    I know you have decided to not leave any of your activities which is wonderful because they ALL need you but you better not even think about leaving SLICE because you are MY BUDDY! lol. So no leaving me behind.

    I do agree with you, to work efficiently we must take care of ourselves as much as we take care of the issues that we work for. I know you have alot going on but just remember you can always ask for help :) ( u can ask me).


  3. Jenny,

    As I have said many times before, you are such and inspiration to me. You have a lot on your plate but you always manage to push through and show up with a great attitude!

    I too have struggled with putting too much on my plate at once, but I have learned that I MUST make time for myself. One way I learned to do this is squeezing in time at the begining of my day to work out. For me this is something that allows me to breathe and get some of my stress, anxiety, or anger out before I start my day. I can tell all the difference in my attitude when I am able to do this. Also by ensuring when you commit to something that you will be able to have time for your self. Sometimes all I need is an hour to zone out in front of a mindless TV show just to regain my strength and balance.

    I am so glad that you have been able to find this time and to stick to all that you are involved in because you are such a strong part of our team who inspires many! I know that you have struggled in the past couple of weeks, but I hope that you know that you can rely on any of us (that's what team members are there for) and come to us with anything!

