In chapter 9, there is a various amount of stories that have to do with people who work out side the box and are with people who they would not normally do work with in order to get a specific job done. Sony Vetra said " ..our problems aren't always the same as those of blak men, and they certainly aren't always the same as those of white women. Sometimes these groups work together. Sometimes they work apart. To me, that makes people stronger." I personally think with this quote it shows that we should not only stay in our bubble of friends,family and peers but expand our minds, and know that if we gave someone out of the ordinary a chance to speak there mind as well we might not agree on EVERYTHING but we can always work together to understand one another. Getting other individual point of views, may not be what we always want but it may be very well needed to show that there is more to the world then just the thoughts we have in our minds. This also ties into the quote from Loeb, " The more we listen to those whose experinces and perspectives are unfamiliar, the more we realize what draws us together." We push people away because of there race, gender, sexuality, religion, etc. but we never realize how much positive information we can get out of them, if we just gave them a chance and listened.
In my life, I was not very open to understanding everyone else's point of view, it was either "my way or the highway" i did not care who you were, or where you came from, it was just the attitude i lived by. However, growing up and taking different challenges under my belt such as school,work,relationships, friends,etc. helped me realize that i can not beat the world with my two hands and my own brain. I can put a dent in it and help make it a better place, however i need and WANT other peoples experinces to show me that, some way or another we really can lean on one another for support, and if we show it or not, we really want and need the support from one another. The reason I think I am so open to different people's opinions and ideas now is because I think I put my self through that. In high school I started out at a school that the majority of students were of white ethnicity's and each race,gender,sexuality,etc. would start splitting up into there own cliques and only talk to white people if they were white or mexican if they were mexican. The cliques would get to a breaking point that if you played a certain sport, you would only talk to people in that sport, or theater or something along that lines. I enjoyed the school,and the environment however in high school i wanted to be open to meeting new people no matter where they came from. My junior year of high school i decided it was best for me to transfer schools and start fresh with new people, and see if my openness would be more accepted. I moved to a school were the majority of students were african american and mexican and i was not to sure how i would be accepted. However, I walked in the first day with a positive attitude and slid right in with many different types of people. Everyone knew everyone else at this school, and I am not saying they knew there personal life's however it was nice to find people who accepted me for me and no matter if i was a white athletic girl, I was just trying to get to know many sides of many different people in the world. The change to many people was not so drastic however to me it made a big effect on me, because it showed me that there are people who will accept you for you, know matter who you are. We just have to be ourselves and let the rest fall were it may.
I can honestly say I have met very many DIFFERENT people in my young life, and I am open to meeting so many more. The thing i think about when working with new people, is I just have to stay positive and be open to change because the world changes every day and I have to keep two feet on the ground, and one day we as a city,state,country,world, will not view one another by race,sexuality,religion,etc. but we will dig deeper into the views,opinions,and answers each one of us has to share!
I would like to thank SLICE teachers, professors,leaders,and students because with out you I probably would not have become more of a stronger person in a few short weeks. We have all been through the full schedule of papers,service,blogs,and even just hanging out but together as a group we have opened up and become more of a family, then just a normal college class! =)
That's funny we chose the same title for our blog. I guess great minds think alike! I also never thought how separated from other cliques you could have been too Alyssa. I give you props for moving to another high school with such diversity.
ReplyDeleteI know growing up in Hawaii, I was always in the middle of at least eight cultures a day (Filipino, Japanese, Chinese, Samoan, Tongan, Korean, Hawaiian, Vietnamese,white,black, etc.), and I realize how tough it can be. Making groups with people different than you helps growth as person, for it forces one out of their comfort zone.
P.S. It's been great working in S.L.I.C.E. with you Alyssa. You have consistently had such a vibrant attitude ,and always lay everything out on the table each time we have service.
ReplyDeleteAlyssa its so curious that you went to Tolleson too, I'm glad you did! Your dad was my counselor and he is an amazing man with astounding daughter.
Taking a leap and changing schools your junior year shows alot of courage. It's always hard being the new kid and its even harder when you stand out. It seems to me you handled yourself very well! You are a girl with an amazing outlook at life and it makes me very happy that you are part of SLICE because you are making a great contribution to your team!
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed your comments about people who work outside the box. It is sometimes the hardest thing to do, yet often is the most rewarding. You have to live on the edge if you want to reap the rewards.
The picture you posted was AWESOME. It illustrates a great group of people who are working to make a difference in our world.
I really enjoy working with you on a great team!
Alyssa I totally get where you were comng from with the whole cliques (mostly because i went to that school haha) but it was really true. When I was kicked out of my "clique" my junior year i felt like a fish out of water, and it was really hard trying to hang out with people at that school if you didnt already hang with them. It is cool that you were able to experience a brand new enviorment and see things differently.
ReplyDeleteand i agree with Yolanda, it has been grat working with you and getting to catch up after all these years. :)
ReplyDeleteI am grateful that you have had the high school experiences that have lead you to this path. Your efforts are always so great and your enthusiasm is set to match.
The most impactful piece your is when you stated that the mixing of cultures and cliques may not have effected your peers but it effected you a lot. That shows how being exposed to different experiences can effect the way people grow and treat one another.